Rejection Letters

Job Rejection Letters

Click any rejection letter template to see a larger version and download it.

Leave Request Rejection

Leave Request Rejection

Internship Rejection Letter

Internship Rejection Letter

Job Application Rejection Letter

Job Application Rejection Letter

Transfer Request Rejection

Transfer Request Rejection

Job Promotion Rejection

Job Promotion Rejection

Bid Proposal Rejection Letter

Bid Proposal Rejection Letter

Discontinue Professional Services Letter

Discontinue Professional Services Letter

Hiring Freeze Rejection

Hiring Freeze Rejection

Job Rejection Letter After Interview

Job Rejection Letter After Interview

Transfer Rejection

Transfer Rejection

New Client Rejection

New Client Rejection

Not Hiring Due To Pandemic

Not Hiring Due To Pandemic

Summer Associate Rejection Letter

Summer Associate Rejection Letter

Rejection After Phone Interview

Rejection After Phone Interview

Ding Letter

Ding Letter

Job Rejection Top Candidate

Job Rejection Top Candidate

Refuse To Interview Letter

Refuse To Interview Letter

Follow Up Rejection Letter

Follow Up Rejection Letter

Rejection With Helpful Offer

Rejection With Helpful Offer

Not Hiring Now But May After Pandemic

Not Hiring Now But May After Pandemic

Product Not Offered Due To Virus

Product Not Offered Due To Virus

Additional Hours Rejection

Additional Hours Rejection

Job Interview Request Rejection

Job Interview Request Rejection

New Project Rejection

New Project Rejection

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"You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance." -Ray Bradbury